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Annual Report 2021/22

How we work


Strategy Day 2021

The annual strategic workshop was held online on 9 October 2021. Discussions influenced the development of our Strategic Plan 2022-2024


CESPHN is governed by the EIS Health Limited Board. CESPHN’s governance structure incorporates allied health, community and general practice through seven member companies. The member companies met regularly with CESPHN to share knowledge about their work and challenges in the region.

CESPHN also has a Clinical Council and Community Council to provide strategic advice to the Board and assist in identifying opportunities to improve access to health services. Both councils also provide advice about population health planning and the commissioning of services.

Both Councils met five times in the year. Council members gave insight and guidance on CESPHN’s work including strategies to address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, input and direction on strategies such as climate change, allied health engagement, stakeholder engagement and community engagement and healthy ageing.

CESPHN also develops clinical leaders through training as part of our Clinical Leaders Network. This group provides input to CESPHN’s work and was instrumental in developing our climate change strategy and identifying mental health service needs.


Several highly successful promotional campaigns were conducted. These include the COVID vaccination Public Health messaging campaign in numerous languages and a collaboration with the Multicultural Health Communication Service for the successful CALD mental health campaign.

CESPHN also funded and supported a ’We’re Better Than That’ campaign. This primary prevention social media campaign featured 17 videos of key influencers discussing respectful relationships and domestic violence. This important initiative represented a broad array of experiences and perspectives including parents, people with disability, youth, heterosexual, queer, Aboriginal and CALD individuals. The videos received over 210,000 views and 360 shares and, were featured in eight online and print media publications.

Cultural Responsiveness Action Plan

CESPHN developed a Cultural Responsiveness Action Plan in 2021-22, adapting the Embrace Framework for Multicultural Mental Health.

Key actions:
  • Organising cultural responsiveness and working with interpreters training
  • Improving staff understanding of language services
  • Reviewing our CALD engagement guidelines
  • Improving access to and usage of translating and interpreting services by primary health professionals

Stakeholder feedback

The results of our October 2021 stakeholder engagement survey were positive and showed a 25 per cent satisfaction rate increase from the community sector and 10 per cent from general practice.

We also expanded the survey scope to seek feedback from stakeholders working for Local Health Districts (LHDs), Local Health Networks (LHNs), universities, and residential aged care.

As a result we have implemented several strategies for improvement. For example, we undertook a comprehensive evaluation of the Psychological Support Services (PSS) Program and its referral processes and are implementing recommendations.