How we work
Five CESPHN funded programs were evaluated during the 2021-22 Financial Year:
- Psychological Support Services (PSS)
- CESPHN Mental Health Intake and Triage Team
- Continuity of Support
- Connect and Thrive
- Early Intervention Speech Pathology Programs

Psychological Support Services
CESPHN engaged Human Capital Alliance (HCA) to undertake an external evaluation of PSS in 2021. HCA provided their report to CESPHN in May 2022.
The evaluators found that the PSS program is highly regarded by all stakeholders, and generally considered a necessary and important part of the mental health ecosystem in the CESPHN area. The consumers consulted, although limited in number, supported the program and identified areas for possible improvement. Some of the consumers consulted had experienced many aspects of the mental health services system and they agreed the PSS had a clear and distinct place in the service mix. Nearly all stakeholders have noticed improvements in the program operations in the last 1-2 years consistent with the timing of significant internal structural changes initiated around mid-2020. The program has strong reach to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Cultural and Linguistically Diverse Community members.
HCA made fifteen recommendations for improvement, dividing them into three main areas:
- Referral process and pathways
- Commissioning model
- Contract management and quality assurance
CESPHN developed a response to implementation of the recommendations and has commenced work on these.

Continuity of Support & Connect and Thrive Programs
CESPHN undertook an evaluation and review of its two commissioned psychosocial support programs: Connect and Thrive (NPS) and Continuity of Supports (CoS). The final Evaluation Report lists ten recommendations for improvement.
An Implementation Committee including members of the commissioned providers Flourish Australia and Neami National will review and apply these recommendations over the 2022-23 financial year.
Expected outcomes include improved models of care incorporating psychosocial, physical, mental health and other support needs.