Improving Care Integration
HealthPathways Sydney
Live pathways and 31 new pathways
Contents updated and 42 full reviews of existing content
Key Achievements
HealthPathways Sydney maintains its position as the lead HealthPathways region nationally in terms of locally applicable pathways and resources, and one of the top performing HealthPathway regions nationally in sustained user engagement.
The HealthPathways Sydney Program also supported the placement of the CESPHN funded COVID-19 GP clinical support helpline within the rpavirtual Hospital. The Clinical Nurse Consultant led helpline provided real-time support to GPs with managing COVID-19 cases in the community and with the escalation to remote monitoring and hospital admission as well as triaging cases for antiviral therapies.
The HealthPathways Sydney Program continued the roll out of HealthLink SmartForm eReferral. General practice and allied health practitioners can now access 61 Sydney Local Health District Ambulatory Care Services from their practice software or the HealthLink Portal. Increased primary care uptake has occurred during this period, with 480 practitioners across 178 practices now referring using eReferral.
In collaboration with eHealth NSW, the HealthPathways Sydney Program introduced eReferral to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Maternity, Fertility and Gynaecology services as part of the Engage Outpatients pilot. This is the first step in a fully digital process that will connect to appointment scheduling, patient and referrer messaging and the hospital’s medical record platform.
The HealthPathways Sydney program commenced an Agency for Clinical Innovation Healthcare Redesign Program to evaluate the ongoing maintenance and periodic review process for HealthPathways content.
Increase in users compared to previous year
HealthPathways Sydney continued to support the local primary care COVID-19 response publishing 8 new COVID-19 clinical, resource and referral pathways, 166 content updates and 5 full reviews of the existing COVID-19 suite of pathways.