How we work
We continue to work toward our vision for reconciliation
Aboriginal Excellence Award
One of the initiatives in the RAP is the establishment of the CESPHN Community Recognition Award which acknowledges individuals and/or organisations who have made a positive contribution and impact on the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people and community in the region.
The Aboriginal Excellence Award winner for 2022 is Linda Boney, Aboriginal Liaison Officer from Prince of Wales Hospital, SESLHD. Linda was nominated due to her long-standing and ongoing commitment working in Aboriginal health for over 47 years, and excellence in doing so. Prior to this, she worked in various locations across the CESPHN area as a nurse, at Royal Prince Alfred and Prince Henry Hospitals and at the Aboriginal Medical Service in Redfern. In addition she has also held roles at Rockhampton Mater Hospital, Moree Hospital, Ashfield Private and as a manager of Aboriginal Home Care
Since 2009 Linda has been the Aboriginal Liaison officer at the Prince of Wales. Linda reports the satisfaction and joy from the role coming from working within a team who are responsive to learning and applying what is needed to provide appropriate Aboriginal health care.

Commitment Towards Reconciliation

Reconciliation Action Plan achievements:
- Commissioning Aboriginal artwork for re-branding all Aboriginal health resources
- Staff cultural learning opportunities
- Tailored cultural training for all managers
- Comprehensive cultural audit of the organisation reported to the Board and Aboriginal Advisory
- Reviews and amendments to ensure inclusion of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander perspectives at all stages of commissioning from tender to evaluation and to ensure our commissioned services are culturally safe, appropriate, and respectful
- Adjustment of our Procurement Policy to include a preference where possible to increase opportunities for Aboriginal organisations
- A dedicated Aboriginal identified position appointed on our Board of Directors
- Facilitating a meeting between the Aboriginal Advisory members and CESPHN Board of Directors
- Commencing a comprehensive review and evaluation of CESPHN Aboriginal Engagement guidelines
- Continuation of our Aboriginal Advisory group meetings quarterly and commenced expansion of the group to include additional living experience representatives across the region
- CESPHN staff volunteered at 4 Aboriginal community events