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Annual Report 2021/22

Improving Practice

Continuing Professional Development


CPD event attendances in 2021–2022


Our recordings of 89 CPD webinar events on YouTube attracted 15,558 views


Clinical education sessions events with for primary health care providers


Dedicated COVID-19 updates with attendance by over 625 primary health care providers


CPR sessions


Groups were supported in the successful Peer Group Learning (PGL) program and ran 119 sessions, 92 of these were online and 27 in person.

We have maintained strong interest in education sessions for primary health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic by offering a wide range of workforce development opportunities. These have included continuing professional development, the Peer Group Learning program, in-practice training on Domestic Violence, Paediatric and Disability education sessions, nurse education, commissioned training and clinical leaders’ network.  

We have successfully returned to some ‘in person’ events, which have been excellent networking opportunities however most events remain as online webinars. The Antenatal Shared Care update with the Royal Hospital for Women was run as a hybrid event, with some online attendees joining their colleagues attending in person.

Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool GP Training Project (IAR)

In the 2021-22 Budget, the Australian Government announced dedicated funding to expand and implement the Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) for mental healthcare in primary care settings to support General Practitioners (GPs) and clinicians to learn about, use and embed the IAR-DST in clinical practice.

A pilot GP training session in the use of the IAR-DST was held in October 2021, facilitated by the National IAR Project Manager, Jenni Campbell, with representatives of the Australian Department of Health also in attendance. The session was a huge success and a significant learning opportunity to shape the roll out of ongoing training across the CESPHN region, and nationally.

Cultural Education for Health Professionals

We have offered an RACGP accredited educational training program to GP and allied health practices across the CESPHN region. The face-to-face training offers opportunities for providers to learn about local Aboriginal history, embed culturally safe practices and increase their awareness of specific MBS items for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and enhance primary health care providers engagement with local community members and organisations.

We introduced an easily accessible online accredited course for mental health professionals with a tiered learning approach to include trauma informed cultural training which is a prerequisite for any mental health providers delivering services under contract with CESPHN.

We developed a series of educational videos for GPs and practice staff to promote culturally safe ways to improve the delivery and increase the uptake and utilisation of the MBS 715 Health Assessment or Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.